Fluid discharge after Amp?

I forgot to mention Keno has to go every other day to the vet because after the sugary he was still bleeding. He has a pressure bandage on to stop it and he has a pump connected to the incisions, which we have to empty out and record how my fluid comes out. At first it was 50mL now it is about 15 mL. It’s not all blood but it’s blood mixture with other fluids. Did anyone else also experience this?

Hey guys, thanks for all the support. I’ll wait around for him to poop :). Other then that Keno is doing very well. He is living with cancer but he looks and feels very healthly. Once Keno heals from the surgery he will start chemo so we can keep him around longer to spoil him some more. I will post some pictures of all my Babur real soon promise. I would love you all to meet them!




Hello, my pup Keno is a Rottweiler and German Shepard mix. He is 5 yrs old and he is one the pups my other dog Luna had. Keno also has a little sis Lady a mini English bulldog. Keno had a brother, Wolverine, who we miss very much and passed away 2 years ago. Unfortunatly, a month ago we found out we will be losing Keno too. He has bone cancer and had a tumor in one of his front legs. About a week ago he had that leg amp and he is doing very well, walking and eating just fine. He can’t lift his leg up anymore to pee so he just ducks down now, but he still hasn’t gotten the hang of pooping. He doesn’t even try to look for a spot he just lays down I think because he gets tired quicker. I am concern I know he has to go but he is not even trying.